CAS legal terms and policies

CAS Solutions

The following links will direct you to the terms and conditions applicable to your use of CAS solutions.

Commercial & Government User Terms of Use

Applicable to the following CAS solutions:

  • SciFinder Discovery Platform
  • SciFinder
  • Formulus
  • Analytical Methods
  • Scientific Patent Explorer

Academic User Terms of Use

Applicable to the following CAS solutions:

  • SciFinder Discovery Platform
  • SciFinder
  • Formulus
  • Analytical Methods
  • Scientific Patent Explorer


Other CAS Solutions & Programs

CAS Custom Services

The following links will direct you to the terms & conditions applicable to services provided to you by CAS.

CAS Content Accessed Through Channel Partners

To view CAS Terms of Use applicable to CAS Content accessed through Channel Partners, please visit this page.

CAS General Terms, Policies & Procedures

The following links direct you to general terms, policies and procedures applicable to all customers and end users of CAS solutions and/or services.