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CAS Registry Services℠

CAS REGISTRY® and CAS Registry Numbers® are universal standards for definitive identification of chemical substances and relied upon worldwide by scientists and manufacturers needing authoritative information.

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Nomenclature and registration

Get complete and reliable substance data

Request a new CAS Registry Number or match your existing chemical name or CAS Registry Numbers to other needed substance data.

Explore serviceNomenclature and registration

Inventory expert service

Ensure accuracy of regulatory submissions

Meet requirements for PMN applications by requesting CA Index Names and CAS Registry Numbers from the experts.

Explore serviceInventory expert service

Licensing CAS REGISTRY Data

Reliable substance data to fuel your solutions

License data from CAS REGISTRY, including CAS RNs, to improve digital R&D workflows and ensure compliance for public use.

Contact usLicensing CAS REGISTRY Data


The definitive source for accurate and comprehensive substance information

275 million unique chemical substances, and growing

Organic, inorganic, and coordination compounds

Alloys, minerals, and polymers

Protein and nucleic acid sequences

Curated by scientists

A computer icon with data visualization on the screen.

Enriched with experimental and predicted property data and spectra