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Utilize o recurso de substâncias confiável mais confiável do mundo - o CAS SciFinder®.

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Make CAS SciFinder your one true authoritative source

You need the most current and accurate substance and reaction information to quickly and confidently inform your critical research activities with key insights.

Search for substances sourced globally

With CAS SciFinder, you can access the world’s most trusted and authoritative substance resource, CAS REGISTRY®.

Through the efforts of a global network of scientists, CAS aggregates, indexes, and annotates the world’s scientific, scholarly journals, patents, dissertations, and seminal reference works every day to make the information fully discoverable within CAS SciFinder.

Search using drawn structures or substance name/number

CAS SciFinderis your one true source for authoritatively identifying a chemical substance and its related chemical structures, chemical names, regulatory information, and properties, including the CAS Registry Number®.

“Sem o CAS SciFinder, encontrar produtos químicos e rotas levaria horas a mais e seria impossível em alguns casos.”
Fonte: TechValidate. TVID: 9CF-AA5-EBD
Pequena empresa biofarmacêutica