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Understand the IP landscape faster

Protect your ideas with freedom to operate analyses, patent Markush searches, and the PatentPak® tool, included in CAS SciFinder®.

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Learn where you have freedom to operate to avoid patent infringements

When researching a new substance or product, it is important to know what has already been done and who else is working in that space. See if your innovation has been patented by others and understand your freedom to operate, helping you make confident business decisions and avoiding wasted time.

See all opportunities with a Markush search

Conducting a Markush search can help you find opportunities you may otherwise miss. You can find related patent references by drawing a chemical structure, resulting in a comprehensive list with generic structures matching your query.

Analyze full-text patents in minutes with PatentPak

Patents are full of hard-to-find chemical information that can take hours to uncover. PatentPak minimizes that time by crawling patents to pinpoint key information and provide clickable links to important substances. It includes access to around 18 million patents, with more added daily.

"Alerts are great to keep on track with patent prior art and current status."
Source: UserEvidence/6120JPMU
Senior Scientist/Fellow
Pharmaceuticals Company