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CAS Analytical Methods™ - A tool for analytical scientists

Access step-by-step methods from peer-reviewed journals easily, fast-tracking your efforts.

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Start your research one step ahead

Development and research roadblocks can cost an analytical scientist valuable time. CAS Analytical Methods gives you the search tools and information needed to find the best step-by-step method to get started or overcome process roadblocks in the middle of your project.

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“[CAS Analytical Methods] has helped me overcome analytical/instrumental challenges when working with stubborn analytes. It's fun to browse and easy to use.”
Source: UserEvidence/9312WKTH
Electronics Company

Step-by-step methods, protocols, or assays available in an instant

Methods, protocols, or bioassays require a clear process. Our solution grants you access to step-by-step methods and validated data in each search so you can spend less time digging through literature and more time innovating.

Analysis of Lycopene

Features designed for analytical scientists


Narrow down your research to the specific elements relevant to your project in an easy-to-use interface.

View Detailed Steps

Once you identify your target, print the steps and take them straight to the lab.


Place up to three methods side by side in a single display.

Full integration with CAS SciFinder®

Analytical methods sometimes require more information to get the best outcome. With a seamless CAS SciFinder integration, analytical scientists can dig deeper into their protocols in both solutions, ensuring they have a comprehensive view of each step in the research journey.

Analysis of Lycopene in Tomato

See how CAS Analytical Methods can be your newest lab partner today