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CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™

Accelerate game-changing discoveries with best-in-class solutions that simplify how you find and connect critical information, such as scientific data, methods, formulations, and more—human-curated for quality and completeness.

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CAS SciFinder

Acelere sus procesos científicos con información seleccionada por expertos

CAS SciFinder agiliza la búsqueda de información relevante y útil. Hemos revisado la literatura científica para que usted no tenga que hacerlo y hemos extraído y anotado los datos, los conceptos y las moléculas que le interesan para que pueda innovar rápidamente y con confianza.

CAS Formulus®

Desarrolle productos seguros y eficaces

CAS Formulus es una solución integrada de base de datos y flujo de trabajo de formulaciones. CAS Formulus, que incluye información seleccionada de patentes y revistas de distintos sectores, ayuda a los formuladores a evaluar los ingredientes, encontrar proveedores y explorar los requisitos normativos, todo ello en una sencilla interfaz.

CAS Analytical Methods

Ahorre tiempo gracias al acceso a información detallada sobre métodos científicos

CAS Analytical Methods proporciona una fuente única para realizar búsquedas y comparar los últimos métodos científicos publicados en distintos campos de estudio. CAS Analytical Methods, que proporciona detalles experimentales fáciles de leer, le ayudará a volver al laboratorio en menos tiempo.

What can you do with the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform?

Identify chemical substances

Find substances and their chemical structures, names, and details.

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Accelerate your literature review

Find human-curated references found in scientific journals, patents, and more.

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Search chemical reactions

Explore reactions data to perform synthesis safely and confidently.

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Conduct your best retrosynthesis

Explore and analyze plans with known and predicted steps for a reaction tailored to your needs.

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Research chemical vendors

Access a comprehensive database of chemical suppliers, products, and pricing information.

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Navigate the IP landscape

Get a better view of the IP landscape to understand opportunities, risks, and challenges.

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Analyze data with visualization tools

Identify research trends and opportunities using the CAS Knowledge Graph.

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Leverage an NMR spectra database

Get molecular information using cutting-edge NMR software and expert-curated experimental spectra.

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Search faster with NLS support

Search with ease using substance names, reaction groups, or specific reference information.

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Design new formulations

Streamline formulation design with searches initiated from a wide range of starting points.

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Explore peer-reviewed methods

Overcome process roadblocks using established analytical methods.

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Make sustainable research choices

Spark eco-friendly innovation with more sustainable processes and formulations.

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More than a search and retrieval tool

"SciFinder far exceeded my expectations of what I could achieve with a research and scientific information platform. Rather than being a simple search and retrieval tool, it became my ‘lab partner’ to help me address my hypothesis. In all my experience of working in drug discovery, I haven’t found any other product able to do this."

Chris Lipinski, Ph.D.
Author of Rule of 5

Descubra de primera mano cómo puede CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform aumentar su eficiencia e impulsar la innovación.

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