CAS Life Sciences Data
When making new life sciences discoveries, complete, connected data is crucial for success. Dive deep into relationships between diseases, targets, and novel molecules with the world’s most trusted and reliable source of scientific information, the CAS Content Collection™.
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CAS는 수백 명의 과학자와 지난 세기 동안의 과학 문헌에 대한 심층적인 보도 덕분에 신약 개발 과학자들이 최신 혁신과 그 기반에 따라갈 수 있도록 지원합니다. 질병 표적을 찾거나, 구조-활성-관계(SAR) 연구를 계획하거나, 표적을 벗어난 활동의 가능성을 평가하거나, 많은 임상시험 전 신약(IND) 제출 질문에 답하는 경우 기존에 발표된 풍부한 데이터를 활용하여 시간을 절약할 수 있습니다.
SAR, ADME data, toxicity values, and other bioactivity observations and pharmacological data facilitate the discovery of novel targets for therapeutic intervention.
Indexed nucleic acid and protein sequences provide a better understanding of how sequence changes affect biological functions.
Molecular biomarkers used in predictions, diagnoses, and prognoses reveal underlying causes and effects of a disease.
Metabolic signaling pathways and interactions further enable inferences and discoveries of connections between diseases, molecules, and pharmacological responses.
Antibodies, antibody-drug conjugates, antibody-fusion proteins, chimeric antigen receptors, and related engineered proteins hold diagnostic, therapeutic, or immune indications/applications.
Connections between disparate data types reveal reliable critical relationships.
"The comprehensiveness of the CAS database is unparalleled."