
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform™

Accelerate game-changing discoveries with best-in-class solutions that simplify how you find and connect critical information, such as scientific data, methods, formulations, and more—human-curated for quality and completeness.

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CAS SciFinder

전문가들이 엄선한 정보로 과학적 역량을 빠르게 강화하십시오

CAS SciFinder로 관련성 있고 실행 가능한 통찰력을 빠르게 얻을 수 있습니다. 다양한 문헌을 검토한 결과를 토대로 데이터, 개념, 분자 정보를 추출하고 주석까지 정리해 놓아, 사용자가 빠르게 확신을 갖고 혁신을 이행할 수 있습니다.

캐스 포뮬러스®

안전하고 효과적인 제품 개발

CAS Formulus는 통합형 제형 데이터베이스 및 워크플로 솔루션입니다. CAS Formulus는 다양한 산업 분야의 특허 및 학술지에서 엄선한 정보와 함께 포뮬레이터들이 단일 인터페이스를 통해 성분을 평가하고 판매처를 찾고 규제 요건을 파악할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

CAS Analytical Methods

심층적인 과학적 방법을 통해 연구 시간 단축

CAS Analytical Methods는 여러 연구 분야에서 공개된 최신 과학적 방법을 검색하고 비교할 수 있는 단일 소스입니다. CAS Analytical Methods가 제공하는 실험 정보는 쉽게 이해할 수 있어 실험실에서 보다 빠르게 활용할 수 있습니다.

What can you do with the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform?

Identify chemical substances

Find substances and their chemical structures, names, and details.

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Accelerate your literature review

Find human-curated references found in scientific journals, patents, and more.

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Search chemical reactions

Explore reactions data to perform synthesis safely and confidently.

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Conduct your best retrosynthesis

Explore and analyze plans with known and predicted steps for a reaction tailored to your needs.

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Research chemical vendors

Access a comprehensive database of chemical suppliers, products, and pricing information.

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Navigate the IP landscape

Get a better view of the IP landscape to understand opportunities, risks, and challenges.

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Analyze data with visualization tools

Identify research trends and opportunities using the CAS Knowledge Graph.

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Leverage an NMR spectra database

Get molecular information using cutting-edge NMR software and expert-curated experimental spectra.

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Search faster with NLS support

Search with ease using substance names, reaction groups, or specific reference information.

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Design new formulations

Streamline formulation design with searches initiated from a wide range of starting points.

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Explore peer-reviewed methods

Overcome process roadblocks using established analytical methods.

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Make sustainable research choices

Spark eco-friendly innovation with more sustainable processes and formulations.

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More than a search and retrieval tool

"SciFinder far exceeded my expectations of what I could achieve with a research and scientific information platform. Rather than being a simple search and retrieval tool, it became my ‘lab partner’ to help me address my hypothesis. In all my experience of working in drug discovery, I haven’t found any other product able to do this."

Chris Lipinski, Ph.D.
Author of Rule of 5

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform을 통해 어떻게 효율성을 높이고 혁신을 주도할 수 있는지 알아보십시오.

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