IP search in the AI era: Reality vs. Hype

Episode notes
Is AI revolutionizing the IP industry? In this podcast episode, CAS intellectual property and data science experts, Kathy Van der Herten and Don Swartwout, Ph.D., discuss benefits, opportunities, and challenges of emerging technologies in IP searching. Listen and learn to distinguish between hype and reality as the panelists explore:
- How AI and other emerging technologies have played a role in the evolution of the IP space/
- What unique challenges impact AI applications in IP search.
- How IP searchers can leverage AI’s efficiency and power while avoiding critical barriers.
- What’s next for AI in the IP search world.

Kathy joined CAS in January 2021 as Director of Product Management for the IP Product solutions portfolio. Kathy has worked in IP for more than 20 years and is a product professional specialized in creating information software solutions for business professionals. Her experience covers both trademarks and patents, and she is based in Belgium.

Don Swartwout has worked at CAS for 22 years, serving in many roles including data architecture, data science, system architecture, requirements analysis, and most recently, machine learning. Before joining CAS, he worked at Bell Laboratories and Lucent Technologies for 20 years, contributing to database systems, programming environments, network surveillance systems, and system architecture. He has taught graduate courses in system architecture and distributed systems at Franklin University. He was educated at Kalamazoo College and the University of Michigan, earning a Ph.D. in mathematics. Don is based in Columbus, Ohio.