CAS Formulus® use case: NPK Fertilizers
The world of fertilizers can be complex, but it all hinges on three elements: N (Nitrogen,) P (Phosphorus), and K (Potassium.) These three are the basis of macronutrients which are essential for plant growth and are the DNA in fertilizer formulations that today's industrial-scale farms need to help crops reach their true genetic potential.
CAS is uniquely positioned to help agrochemical formulators improve what they have already brought to market by offering easy-to-read details of a formulation including the components, processes, and experimental activities in a new solution, CAS Formulus.
CAS Formulus use cases
This video demonstrates how CAS Formulus can help formulators increase their efficiency, navigate the regulatory landscape, and identify suppliers of key ingredients.

Glyphospate alternatives use case
Read how agrochemical formulators can use CAS Formulus to search for glyphosate replacements when developing safe and effective herbicides.
Download the use case