Integrated knowledge and insights
Access the information you need to advance your research in one place with CAS SciFinder®. Move seamlessly from your plan to reactions, commercial sources, and more.
Work smarter and faster to stay ahead of the competition with retrosynthetic analysis software powered by best-in-class data, curated and indexed by CAS experts.
Request a demoAccess the information you need to advance your research in one place with CAS SciFinder®. Move seamlessly from your plan to reactions, commercial sources, and more.
Plan with the most relevant information from our exhaustive reactions database, updated daily to include the latest research.
Rely on the power of human curation to ensure your retrosynthesis is based on chemically sound reaction data.
Access retrosynthesis software from a substance at any point in CAS SciFinder with the Start Retrosynthetic Analysis button. Search your compound's name, CAS Registry Number®, or drawn structure, or select substances from reference and reaction results.
Create a retrosynthesis plan for your unique needs with advanced options. Direct your search toward specific parts of the molecule, set cost limits for starting materials, and adjust the degree of evidence supporting predicted reactions, fine-tuning your analysis.
Find all the important details of your retrosynthesis plan in one place, including yield, cost, and stereochemistry. Quickly identify predicted steps and modify the plan to include or exclude them using the toggle switch.
Delve into expert-curated insights for your entire retrosynthesis plan in the Evidence Drawer. View details including reagents, catalysts, solvents, and links to evidence and alternative steps for each reaction in your plan, enabling you to make better decisions faster.
Explore alternative steps for the reactions in your retrosynthesis plan. Choose from alternative reactions, ranked by relevance to the starting molecule, and filter by Alternative Step Type and Stereochemistry to return options tailored to your needs.
Streamline your retrosynthesis plan by excluding entire steps or individual reactants. Once excluded, the retrosynthetic analysis software will automatically update based on available alternative steps. You can reintroduce excluded steps or reactants at any time.
Rely on CAS data and expert human curation to power your retrosynthetic analysis.