Promotional resources
Make certain that your research community knows that they have access to a premier scientific information solution and all the ways it can help, from research to career development. This section contains resources such as posters, flyers, and social media posts that you can download and use to create awareness within your university.
Display materials
Download, print, and display these posters and table tents to help increase awareness, adoption, and usage of CAS solutions across your research community.
(Download options include digital versions that can be printed on any size-capable printer and print versions that contain crop marks if you are sending to an on-campus print shop for printing.)

Take the guesswork out of your scientific research
This poster checks the boxes of things associated with CAS SciFinder and encourages those without user IDs to reach out and gain access.

Academics around the globe
This poster contains a detailed quote from an academic researcher that outlines all the benefits they receive from CAS SciFinder and encourages those without user IDs to reach out and gain access.

Get access to the world's science
Remind current CAS SciFinder users of all the ways the solution can help them, from their research to their career, and encourage them to log in today.

You already trust CAS SciFinder
For universities with CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform access, this poster introduces additional solutions (beyond CAS SciFinder) that your research community can now access.

Expand CAS SciFinder availability to more students
Create awareness among your community that CAS SciFinder can provide value in many study areas and expand solution use in them.

Getting started
This poster simplifies the initial use of CAS SciFinder for different scientific disciplines and supports introductory sessions. (The poster includes a QR code to download a full user manual.

Essential features for students
This poster reinforces essential CAS SciFinder functions while introducing best practices for advanced chemistry and retrosynthesis. It is an additional resource for advanced chemistry classes for Master and Ph.D. students.

Biochemical analysis
This poster highlights the coverage and details of analytical measurements in CAS SciFinder including step-by-step procedures. It guides users to best practice search approaches for analytical areas.

This poster shows different strategies to access Life Science content and exploring formulation details in CAS SciFinder. It also supports introductory sessions.
Download and print or digitally share these flyers to help drive awareness of the availability of CAS solutions across your research community.

Expand CAS SciFinder availability to more students
Create awareness among your community that CAS SciFinder can provide value in many study areas and expand solution use in them.

Welcome to CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform
For institutions that have access to the full CAS SciFinder Discovery platform, use this flyer to introduce your community to the additional solutions that are now available to them.

Welcome to CAS SciFinder
Introduce new students to CAS SciFinder and invite them to register for their own account.

Get access to the worlds science (Table Tent)
One side of this table tent reminds CAS SciFinder users of everything they can use the solution to do while the other side shares quotes from other academic users.

Take the guesswork out of your scientific research (Table Tent)
This table tent provides your research community with a quick overview of the capabilities of CAS SciFinder, and encourages them to gain access or log in.

Get your account
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Boost your scientific research and start using CAS SciFinder today!
Contact [name] with questions or [click here] to get registered.

Improve your scientific research with CAS Scifinder
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Do you want to learn how to use CAS SciFinder more effectively?
You can view these short training videos and other resources anytime you need them.

Search smarter and faster
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If you're looking for a quick way to find information on references, substances, reactions, and more, CAS SciFinder makes finding what you're looking for easy.
See everything you can find here: [LINK]

Perform critical research
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Perform your reference searches on CAS SciFinder. You'll find a comprehensive collection of information found in journals, patents, and more. This helps ensure you don't miss anything critical to your research.
Learn more at [LINK]

Your best source for searching
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Be safe and effective in the lab by reviewing reactions information on CAS SciFinder.
Find out how to search reactions with these short introductory videos.

Current and accurate substance
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CAS SciFinder gives you a single source for authoritatively identifying a chemical substance and its related structures, names, regulatory information, and properties.
See the different ways you can search substances here: [LINK]

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There's an experimental and predictive retrosynthesis tool within CAS SciFinder. Try it out to optimize your synthesis plans based on cost, suppliers, methods, yields, and more.
Learn more at: [LINK]

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Check out the Citation Map and Knowledge Graph visualization tools in CAS SciFinder. Using them as part of your searches can help you see connections between references, organizations, authors, and concepts more easily.
Learn more at: [LINK]

Create products that are safe and effective
Save precious research time with CAS Formulus. Including tools like the Formulation Designer, scientists can generate novel formulations and drive innovation with this human-curated data collection.

Step-by-step scientific methods
Get back into the lab faster with CAS Analytical Methods. This solution makes it simple to locate, compare, and understand analytical methods published in top journals and primary literature so you don’t have to start from scratch.

Essential historic chemistry
Access ChemZent through CAS SciFinder to quickly search the earliest organized history of chemistry. ChemZent is the first and only indexed, searchable, English-language version of Chemisches Zentralblatt, the oldest abstracts journal covering chemistry from 1830 to 1969.

Fuel your scientific journey
Accelerate game-changing discoveries with the CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform. This collection of best-in-class solutions gives you access to an unrivaled combination of scientific data, methods, formulations, and more. Finding and connecting the information critical to advancing your research is now just a search away.