Stavros Kariofillis

Columbia University
United States of America

Learn more about Stavros Kariofillis

Stavros obtained his B.S. in biochemistry from Lafayette College. As an undergraduate student, he conducted research in organometallic chemistry with Professor Roxy Swails, as well as with Professor Melanie Sanford at the University of Michigan. Stavros received a Ph.D. in chemistry with Professor Abigail Doyle from Princeton University as an NSF graduate research fellow, where his research focused on methodology development in nickel/photoredox catalysis. As part of his graduate studies, Stavros was also a visiting graduate researcher at UCLA. In 2022, he joined the laboratory of Professor Tomislav Rovis at Columbia University as an NIH F32 postdoctoral fellow. Here, he is applying photocatalysis to address challenges in chemical biology.

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