What to include for Inventory Expert Service submission

Please include the following information for Inventory Expert Service processing.

Completed Inventory Expert Service Order Form

  • Indicate rush service (if applicable)
  • CAS RN® (if desired; CA Index Name is standard output)
  • Signature and date

For a Class 1 substance* - See PMN page 4

  • Molecular formula
  • Descriptive chemical name (if possible)
  • Structure

For a Class 2 nonpolymeric substance** - See PMN page 4

  • CAS RNs for starting materials
  • Process information
  • Composition
  • Representative structure of final product

For a Class 2 polymeric substance** - See PMN page 5

  • Descriptive chemical name, CAS RN, and percentage of each starting monomer
  • Representative structure with monomers linked together
  • Free Radical Initiator, CAS RN, and percentage (if needed)
  • All monomers and initiators indicated applying the 2% rule

*Class 1 substances:

Chemical substances which are single compounds composed of molecules with particular atoms arranged in a definite, known structure.

**Class 2 substances:

Chemical substances with a variable composition or composed of a complex combination of different molecules. Class 2 substances can be further subdivided into three subgroups.

  • The first subgroup includes substances that can be represented by definite Hill-ordered molecular formulae but have variable structural diagrams.
  • The second subgroup includes substances that can be represented by definite molecular formulae but have unknown structural diagrams.
  • The third subgroup includes representations of substances that have no definite molecular formula representation and either partial structure diagrams or no structural diagrams - often referred to as UVCBs (Unknown or Variable Composition, Complex Reaction Products, and Biological Materials).