Chia-Wei Hsu

Information Scientist | CAS


Chia-Wei Hsu earned his M.Sc. in chemistry at National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan and a Ph.D. in physical organic chemistry, specializing in dynamic combinatorial chemistry, from the University of Houston. After a postdoctoral career at the University of Illinois Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, he joined CAS in 2021 as an Information Scientist for structure analysis in Organic Chemistry.

Catalysts and catalysis have transformed our world, from ancient times to modern sustainability. Learn about the latest research trends and innovations.
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天然の脂質ナノ粒子エクソソームが、薬物送達はじめ、がんから心血管疾患、その他の疾患にいたるまで、治療をどのように作り変えているのか考察します。 この最新のACSウェビナーでは、メイヨークリニック、Direct Biologics社、そしてAruna Bio社の専門家にお話を伺いました。 録画を視聴の上、Insight Reportの全文も是非お読みください。
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