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CAS References

The CAS reference collection aggregates and connects scientific knowledge from thousands of journals and other literature sources published globally in more than 50 languages dating back to the early 1800s.

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Coverage of international journals, books, conference proceedings, and dissertations since 1907, with some earlier coverage back to the early 1800s.

Includes content from 50,000 scientific journal titles worldwide over the years, with thousands of current titles actively covered.

English language titles and summaries translated by CAS scientists from publications in more than 50 different languages from more than 180 different countries.

Searchable details include standardized concept keywords, substances, reactions, and more indexed by scientists and connected to other relevant data within the CAS Content Collection™.

Enhanced with cited and citing references and direct links to the full-text publications (where available).

Updated daily.

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As solar panel usage increases, researchers are looking for new methods to tackle PV waste.
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Digital R&D
TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase) が多くの疾患の病態生理学において重要な役割を果たしているにもかかわらず、なぜ FDA 承認された TBK1 阻害剤が市場に出ていないのでしょうか。
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Science and wearable tech go hand in hand to provide athletes with precise, personalized information to improve their performance.
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