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CAS 参考文献

CAS 参考文献收集集合了来自全球数千种期刊和其他文献来源的科学知识,这些知识可追溯到 19 世纪初,以 50 多种语言在全球出版。



Coverage of international journals, books, conference proceedings, and dissertations since 1907, with some earlier coverage back to the early 1800s.

Includes content from 50,000 scientific journal titles worldwide over the years, with thousands of current titles actively covered.

English language titles and summaries translated by CAS scientists from publications in more than 50 different languages from more than 180 different countries.

Searchable details include standardized concept keywords, substances, reactions, and more indexed by scientists and connected to other relevant data within the CAS Content Collection™.

Enhanced with cited and citing references and direct links to the full-text publications (where available).

Updated daily.

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Emerging Science
CAS 和德勤中国携手发布《锂离子电池回收》报告,该报告从商业和科学视角全面、深入地对这一快速发展行业进行分析。
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As solar panel usage increases, researchers are looking for new methods to tackle PV waste.