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Use a natural language search to find answers faster in CAS SciFinder®

Explore our vast databases with natural language searches and let our expert curation do the work to find the information you need.

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Use any substance name

Find the correct substance regardless of the name variation you use to search. Enter any known term for a substance, and our comprehensive indexing system will match it with an extensive database of synonyms and chemical identifiers to help you reach the answers you need faster than ever.

Search for multi-word concepts

Return results for multi-word terms with our concept indexing. Instead of searching for each word individually, CAS SciFinder uses expert human curation to search for industry terms like “green chemistry”, connecting you straight to the insights most relevant to your research.

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Find reactions easily

Navigate directly to the reaction you’re looking for using natural language searches in CAS SciFinder. Our search interface recognizes catalyst, solvent, and reagent roles, functional groups, transformation group names, and query examples, allowing you to search the same way you talk about your research.

Pinpoint specific references

Go straight to the reference you need with a search that automatically recognizes when you’ve entered a title, DOI, or patent number. CAS SciFinder instantly pulls the reference from the CAS Content CollectionTM, so you can focus on your research without spending time searching through a full results set.

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Search smarter, not harder, with CAS SciFinder

Rely on CAS expert curation to bring you the insights you need for your next innovation.