CAS Chemical Supplier Insights℠ - CAS SciFinder® order from source links
CAS SciFinder provides access to data on substance price and availability via millions of links from commercial source records to supplier catalogs. These links allow CAS SciFinderusers to bring answers with “pricing and availability” to the top.

Requirements for inclusion of "Order from Source" links
If you would like your catalog items available as "Order from Source" follow these steps:
- Provide links with each substance that will take a CAS SciFinder user directly to the catalog page where they can order your chemicals.
- The linking page needs to include current price, current availability, and the ability to directly place an order. Additionally, from your page, CAS SciFinder users should be able to determine how soon the chemical of interest will ship. For instance "ships within 1 week" or "in stock item that ships within 1 week"
- Requiring a login to complete the order is acceptable, but having to log in before seeing price and availability is not acceptable.
If you have questions regarding the acceptability of your links, please contact us at