STN Pocket Guide

This page highlights the basic features for CAS STNext command-line searching. The information is arranged in the order that you may encounter questions, beginning with logging on and ending with logoff.

Logging on to CAS STNext

InterfaceTo Log On
STN ExpressInstall and launch the software.  The STN Setup Wizard starts automatically.For additional information on connecting, visit STN Express Support.
CAS STNextVisit CAS STNext. Enter your STNext login ID and password.

Entering databases

At an arrow prompt (=>), use the FILE command to specify databases or clusters:

  • For a list of STN databases, enter HELP FILE NAMES.
  • For a list of STN database clusters, enter HELP CLUSTER NAMES.
To EnterFollow FILE WithExample
Single databaseDatabase nameFILE BIOSIS
Multiple databasesDatabase names separated by spaces or commasFILE BIOSIS MEDLINE EMBASE
Predefined database clusterCluster nameTo add a database, include it after the cluster name.To remove a database, use the minus sign (-).FILE POLYMERSFILE PATENTS HCA -CA

Basic commands

STN has two versions of command language:

  • NOVICE (at least the first four letters of the command) you are prompted for all information necessary to process the command.
  • EXPERT (the first three letters of the command, and in some cases just the first letter) you are not prompted for additional information, so you should supply all information that is not a default option.
FILEFILEnter a database or cluster to search or display records.FILE REGISTRY FIL TOXICOLOGY
EXPANDEEXPAND BACKE BACKLook at the index around a term; 12 terms are shown by default. To continue down the same index, enter E at the next arrow prompt. To expand in the reverse direction, enter E BACK followed by a term.E YATES C/AUE YATES, C/AUE BACK METHYL
SEARCHSPerform a search. If AUTOSEARCH is set to ON, the SEARCH command is assumed.S MOTORIST ACID RAIN
DISPLAYDDisplay answers. Nonconsecutive answer numbers must be separated by commas or spaces.D1-10,15,21D L6 1 TI AB
PRINTPrint answers by delivering them to an email address. You are prompted for all information.PRINT
LOGOFF HOLDLOG HEnd the session and hold your entire search session for 120 minutes at no charge.LOGOFF HOLDLOG H

Stacking commands

To enter multiple commands at once, separate the commands with semicolons.


Truncation and character masking symbols

Use the symbols below to allow for variability in your search terms.

?Any number of characters to the right of the termUsed only once in a term, usually at the endALUM?ALUMALUMINAALUMINUM, etc.
!Exactly one character at the designated positionCan be used multiple times in a termUsed anywhere except at the beginning of a termTHERMOLYS!STHERMOLYSISTHERMOLYSES
#One or zero characters at the designated positionCan be used multiple times in a termUsed at the end of the term onlyCASEIN###CASEIN CASEINSCASEINATE, etc.

Left truncation or simultaneous left-and-right truncation is available in some fields in some databases. See the STN Database Summary Sheets for more information.

Boolean operators

Use Boolean operators to combine search terms.

ANDAnswers must include both termsS ACID AND RAIN
NOTAnswers must include the first term and may not include the second termS BLOOD NOT PLASMA
ORAnswers must include at least one termS (FIBER or FIBRE)S (L1, L3, L5)S (E1-3, E7)


  • Spacing around the Boolean operators is required.
  • Always place parentheses around an expression of terms that is combined by the OR operator.
  • A comma (,) or hyphen (-) can be used in place of an OR operator with L-number or E-number search terms. No spaces are allowed around the comma or hyphen.

Numeric operators

Use the operators below to specify values and ranges.

/ or =Search for a single value.S 20060400/UP
-Search for a range of values.S 3-5/FE
<Search for values less than a specific value.S PY<1967
>Search for values greater than a specific value.S ED>20060211
>= or =>Search for values greater than a specific value.S FW>=600
<= or =<Search for values less than or equal to a specific value.S PD<=19980100


  • Numeric operators can be used only in fields that contain numeric data.
  • Spaces can be included around numeric operators if desired.

Proximity operators

Use the operators below to specify proximity between or among search terms.

(W) or spaceTerms must be adjacent and in the order specified.S NUCLEAR(W)REACTORS ACID RAIN"
(nW)Terms must be adjacent and in the order specified with n or fewer intervening terms.S OIL(1W)WATER
(xW)Terms must appear in the order specified with any number of intervening terms.S NITRO(XW)PHENYL
(A)Terms must be adjacent but in any order.S SHALE(A)OIL
(nA)Terms must be adjacent but in any order with n or fewer intervening terms.S TOXICITY(2A)FISH
(xA)Terms may appear in any order with any number of intervening terms.S CHLORO(XA)METHYL
(T)Terms must be in the same word but in any order. Correct truncation is necessary.S ?BIO?(T)?REACTOR?
(nT)Terms can be in the same term or in the n-th adjacent but in any order.S ?BIO?(3T)?REACTOR?
(S)Terms must occur within the same "sentence" or subfield.S PLANET(S)DISTANCE
(nS)Terms must occur n or fewer "sentences" or subfields apart.S NITROGEN(3S)PUMP
(P)Terms must occur within the same "paragraph".S ANION(P)CHROMATOG?
(L)Terms must occur in same information unit.S 10024-97-2(L)DENTAL


  • Both the letter for the operator and the parentheses are required for all proximity operators.
  • Spaces can be included around proximity operators if desired.
  • A space can be used in place of (W) in the Basic Index and sometimes other fields that have individually indexed terms, e.g., S ACID RAIN.
  • For information about how an operator works in a specific database, enter HELP followed by the operator in parentheses, e.g., HELP (X), within the database.

Order of application of operators

Each search statement is processed left to right, in the following order based on the operators that combine the search terms.

  1. Terms in parentheses
  2. Terms combined with a numeric operator (=, <, >, >=, <=, -)
  3. Terms combined with (W) or (A)
  4. Terms combined with (S)
  5. Terms combined with (P)
  6. Terms combined with (L)
  7. Terms combined with AND or NOT
  8. Terms combined with OR (not in parentheses)

Displaying costs

Use the commands below to view cost information.

FILE and LOGOFFDisplay the full estimated cost of your current session.Cost displays automatically after these commands are entered. To turn off the automatic display, enter SET COST OFF.
D COSTView the breakdown of costs for the current session.Enter HELP SET COST for information on options for the cost display: ON, BRIEF, and FULL.
SET ACCOUNT*Control how your costs are listed on your monthly invoice.Enter HELP SET ACCOUNT for more information.

System limits

Enter HELP LIMITS for the most current information on system limits. For help after receiving an error or system limit message, enter HELP (or ?) at the next arrow prompt.

TypeLimitWhat To Do
Number of L-numbers in an online session999Save queries and/or answer sets. Use DELETE HISTORY to delete any or all L-numbers.
Total number of answers per database per online session8,000,000Save queries and/or answer sets if desired. Enter DELETE HISTORY to delete L-numbers.
Total number of characters in a search statement20,000Divide search into smaller search statements.
Total number of answers in saved answer sets400,000Delete any unwanted saved answer sets.
Total number of saved answer sets200Delete any unwanted saved answer sets.
Total number of saved queries800Delete any unwanted saved queries.
Total number of saved L-number lists100Delete any unwanted saved lists.

Online help

Use HELP (or ?) commands to view system and database-specific information.

HELP MESSAGESHow to use the various commands and features available on STNAt any arrow prompt
HELP FILE NAMESDatabases available on STNAt any arrow prompt
NEWS FILEInformation about when a particular database was last updatedIn a specific database
HELP DIRECTORYDatabase-specific help messagesIn a specific database
HELP CONTENTCoverage and content of a databaseIn a specific database
HELP COSTCost of searching a databaseIn a specific database
HELP SFIELDSSearch fields in a databaseIn a specific database
HELP DFIELDSDisplay fields in a databaseIn a specific database
HELP FORMATFixed display formats in a databaseIn a specific database
HELP PRINTExplanation of a command, e.g., the PRINT commandAt any arrow prompt
HELP COMMANDSList of commands available within a databaseIn a specific database

In addition, you can enter a ? at a prompt to receive further clarification whenever you receive a message from STN.

Additional commands

Use these commands for additional functionality.

ACTIVATEACTRecall saved queries (/Q), saved answer sets (/A), and saved L-number lists (/L) for use in the current sessions.ACT CONTRACT/QACT NMR/A
ANALYZEANAExtract terms from display fields in an answer set for statistical analysis. For a list of fields that may be used, enter HELP EFIELDS in the database.ANA L1 PA 1-
ARCHIVEPurchase the right to store STN search results for up to n users within your worldwide organization.ARCHIVE 100 10ARC 100 10
DELETEDELDelete saved items or items in the current session. To delete all L-numbers in an online session, enter DELETE HISTORY.ANA L1 PA 1-
DISPLAY BROWSEBrowse through an answer set. You can view consecutive answers, nonconsecutive answers, change formats, and view additional answers without reentering the DISPLAY command.DISPLAY BROWSE L4D BRO
DISPLAY COSTD COSTDisplay the estimated cost of your session. Options are ON, BRIEF, and FULL.D COSTD COST FULL
DISPLAY HISTORYD HISTORYDisplay the session history: summary of the databases entered, commands that have been used, and the information associated with them.D HISTORYD HIS L1-L10D HIS L#
DISPLAY SAVEDD SAVEDDisplay the session history: summary of the databases entered, commands that have been used, and the information associated with them.D SAVEDD SAVED/A
DUPLICATERemove or identify duplicate records from one or more answer sets.DUPLICATE REM L5DUP IDE L1 L2
FOCUSFOCSort answers in relevance order.FOCUS L1
HELP?Request online help. Enter HELP and a command name for information about how to use a specific command. Enter HELP MESSAGES for a list of all online help messages available.HELP PRINTHELP MESSAGE
INDEXINDAccess STNindex and identify the databases to be searched.INDEX ALLBIBIND CA SCISEARCH
NEWSNEWDisplay current news headlines on STN. To see one of the news items, enter NEWS followed by the number or name of the news item.NEWS NEWS 10NEWS FILE
REDISTRIBUTEPurchase the right to redistribute STN search results for up to n users within your worldwide organization.REDISTRIBUTE 250 5RED 250 5
SAVESAVSAVE ALLSave an L-numbered query, answer set, or L-number list in your long-term storage. A monthly fee is charged for saved items. You must enter an L-number and a name ending in /Q for a query, /A for an answer set, or /L for an L-number list.SAVE L15 COMPUTER/QSAV L1 TOX/ASAVE ALL C13/L
SAVE TEMPSAV TEMPSave an L-numbered query, answer set, or L-number list on a temporary basis. You must assign a name that ends with /Q for query, /A for an answer set, or /L for an L-number list.SAV TEMP L5 NMR/A
SCREENSCRDefine a screen number for searching. This command is available only in some structure-searchable databases.SCREEN 2043
ALERT or SDIRequest that searches be run automatically by STN at database updates. In databases that have SDI service, additional prompts appear.ALERTSDI
SELECTExtract terms from display fields that can then be used as search terms. For a list of fields that may be used, enter HELP EFIELDS in the database.SELECT L1 1-5 RNSELECT L1 1-5 RN
SETSet various terminal parameters and options. Enter HELP SET for a list of all the SET options.SET STEPS ONSET COST OFF PERM
SORTSORSort answers by field codes.SORT L2 CS AU
TABULATETABCorrelate analyzed terms from two fields.TAB L2 CS PY
TRANSFERTRAExtract terms from display fields in an answer set for searching.TRA L1 PN 1-

For more information:

  • Enter HELP, followed by the name of the command, e.g., HELP ANALYZE.
ANALYZE and TABULATEANALYZE and TABULATE for Statistical Analysis
ARCHIVE and REDISTRIBUTEThe STN Information Keep & Share Program℠
ALERT (SDI)Current Awareness User Guide
INDEXINDEX for Evaluating Databases and Searches
TRANSFERTRANSFER for Crossfile Searching

Logging off

Use one of these commands to log off from STN.

LOGOFFEnd a session and be prompted whether to delete all queries and answer sets.





LOG YEnd a session. All queries and answer sets are automatically deleted.

=> LOG Y


LOGOFF HOLDLOG HHold your entire session for up to 120 minutes at no charge. To restart your session, log on as you normally would.

=> LOG H



If you do not log off, you will continue to be charged connect-hour fees. You will be automatically disconnected after 40 minutes of inactivity.