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Accelerate development with formulation finder tools from CAS

Improve the safety and efficiency of your next formulation with detailed and organized data from CAS Formulus®, an integrated formulation finder built on our human-curated database.

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Search our comprehensive formulations database

Search from any starting point with ease

Search our comprehensive formulations database by ingredient, CAS Registry Number®, purpose, physical form, function, or document identifier to easily navigate to the information you’re seeking, regardless of your starting point.

Remove irrelevant results with advanced filtering

Focus your formulation or ingredient search on the information most relevant to your research with curated filters. Select from industries, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals, then refine your results further by purpose, physical form, state of matter, delivery route, regulatory information, and experimental properties.

advanced filtering
access key details

Access key details within the formulation finder

Quickly view and compare your formulation search results, including component function and quantities, or dive deeper with full component lists showing optionality, production process, effective dose, and experimental activity. Once you’ve found a formulation of interest, you can view and download your results as a PDF or full-text patent.

Uncover the ingredients you need

Explore your ingredient search results, including experimental properties, regulatory information, and ‘commonly formulated with’ suggestions. You can link directly from each result to CAS REGISTRY®, formulations using the ingredient, and ingredient suppliers, keeping all relevant information in one place.

ingredient search
formulation designer

Streamline your formulation design

Easily create your next formulation using the Formulation Designer. Add up to five ingredients, highlight the active or featured ingredient, and select the industry, purpose, and physical form of the formulation you want to design. The designer will create a template formulation complete with regulatory information and quantities that you can refine with alternative ingredients.

Develop better formulations, faster

Leverage our human-curated database and integrated formulation finder to find your next innovative formula today.