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CAS 配方

CAS Formulations是最大的配方信息综合集合,为研究人员、配方设计师和IP专业人员提供开发安全有效的产品并更快地将其推向市场所需的关键信息。


Millions of formulations from patents, journals, and product inserts for oral medications, herbicides, insecticides, flavors, fragrances, and more.

Test tubes hanging in a rack.

Formulation ingredients and their roles accurately identified by scientist

Substance details including CAS Registry Numbers® for included ingredients.

Information about the experimental activity of formulations.

Text extracted from drug product inserts.

Connections to relevant publications, substance properties, suppliers, and more with the CAS Content Collection™.

Latest from CAS Insights™

CAS 和德勤中国携手发布《锂离子电池回收》报告,该报告从商业和科学视角全面、深入地对这一快速发展行业进行分析。
|Insights Report
As solar panel usage increases, researchers are looking for new methods to tackle PV waste.
Digital R&D
Why are there no FDA approved TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase) inhibitors on the market, despite the key role it plays in the pathophysiology of many diseases.
|Insights Report