Hexagon shaped overlay

CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform™

Move your drug discovery program to the next stage with comprehensive pharmaceutical data embedded into AI-enhanced predictive technology and knowledge graphs, searchable by ligand, target, and disease.

Close-up of transparent spherical capsules illuminated in blue, each containing intricate, embedded structures resembling cells or circuits.

CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform 是什么?


有了 CAS BioFinder,您可以快速获取所需的验证数据以及经预测的生物活性值,所有数据均来自现有文献 — 从而确保您始终获得高度相关的结果。

我们的专业科学家对文献和专利进行了梳理,提取了与药物发现科学家相关的信息,并将相关数据点连接起来,以便您能快速回答药物发现问题。 CAS 专家致力于人工标引,这让您可以信赖所发现见解。

已有或预测的现有生物活性、配体、序列和生物标志物数据,均可通过访问CAS BioFinder 简洁的用户界面获得,从而节省时间并加速您的药物发现项目。

CAS BioFinder™

With CAS BioFinder, you can explore connections between ligands, targets, and diseases and run AI-enhanced predictive bioactivity models with data derived from existing literature.
This ensures you always have the most relevant results.  

In addition to existing and predicted bioactivity, ligand, sequence, disease, and biomarker data, CAS BioFinder also integrates 3D protein models and details to save time and advance your drug discovery program.

Life sciences capabilities in CAS SciFinder®

Expand the capabilities of CAS SciFinder with detailed bioactivity data tables, biological sequence searches, and seamless integration with searches in CAS BioFinder.

Human cells
“CAS BioFinder 为药物发现提供了一个集合式数据库。 该平台可以告诉您专利和文献中已发表的所有内容,以及相关的药理学给药途径、代谢和相似药效团。许多从事药物发现的人员针对每一功能需要使用不同的数据库,而在CAS BioFinder 中可以很好的集中实现。”

结构生物学家,CAS BioFinder 开发合作伙伴

Enhanced biological data for your drug development success

Designed to support the needs of biology-based inquiry and sequence searches, the CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform pulls from new data types, authorities, and connections in the CAS Content Collection™.

With enhanced bioactivity data on ligands, their interactions with proteins and diseases, related biomarkers, and pathways, you have better access than ever to the full range of data needed for drug development.

Explore CAS life sciences data

Answer your critical drug discovery questions

What scaffolds and molecules are associated with your disease of interest?  

Investigate associations between diseases, targets, pathways, and ligands, with references and experimental conditions to support the evidence.

What molecules are known or likely to be active against your target of interest?

Find normalized bioactivity data and similar scaffolds to investigate and use AI-enhanced tools to predict the bioactivity of ligands against a specific target.

How will your molecules interact with proteins and impact biological processes?

Predict targets and bioactivity values for known and novel molecules and explore pathways and cellular processes affected by the molecule-protein interaction.

Which molecules will make the best leads?

Focus on molecules with specific drug-like properties or that have already been approved as drugs, screen for potential safety issues, and identify known and potential metabolites.

What biomarkers are relevant to your disease of interest?

Discover evidence-based connections between biomarkers and diseases and research their involvement in biological pathways.

Overcome drug development barriers

Learn what pharmaceutical experts have to say about today’s biggest drug development challenges and opportunities.

Read the articles

借助 CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform,利用可靠且可操作的药物发现数据洞察力,更快地将疗法转化为现实。