Angela Zhou

Manager of Scientific Analysis and Insights, CAS


Angela Zhou is an Information Scientist at CAS. She earned her Ph.D. in Molecular Pharmacology and toxicology from University of Southern California. She was further trained as a cell biologist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and worked in the area of cancer biology at Harvard Medical School. She was a faculty member at Missouri State University and Denison University prior to joining CAS.

Emerging Science
肠道微生物组是一个由数万亿细菌组成的复杂生态系统,这些细菌存活在我们的消化道中,具有提供免疫力、改善心理健康和提供治疗选择等健康益处。 近年来,人们对微生物组疗法治疗各种疾病的潜力越来越感兴趣。 随着我们对肠道微生物组的理解不断加深,我们有望在未来几年看到微生物组疗法的更多进展。
Drug Discovery
了解更多 ACE2 相关信息,该重要蛋白仍是 COVID-19 和许多其他病毒感染的关键靶点。 本文概述了有关靶向 ACE2 蛋白的出版物、里程碑意义事件和未来应用的新兴趋势和洞察。
Emerging Science
最近的临床试验结果表明,娱乐性迷幻药,如LSD、MDMA,以及裸盖菇素,在适当控制剂量和给药时有积极的治疗效果。 阅览最新研究。