Zach Baum is an information scientist at CAS. He earned his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry in 2018 from The Ohio State University, where he studied organometallic chemistry and the electronic structures of low-dimensional materials.
Drug Discovery
大约五分之一的人类癌症中至少包含一种RAS突变。 在本文中,我们将探讨科学家们是如何逐渐揭开RAS蛋白的神秘面纱的——哪些曾被认为难以实现、不可成药的靶点正在成为具有前景的治疗肿瘤的新兴疗法。
Read the CAS Insights articleSustainability
在对绿色能源的不懈追求中,锂离子电池和氢燃料电池这两项技术处于热点研究领域,公众兴趣也在不断增加。 阅读本博客,进一步了解这些技术的前景与挑战。
Read the CAS Insights article