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A man and woman standing at a window wall writing on post-it notes.


您可以与由经验丰富的人组成的全球团队建立联系。我们使用 60 多种语言,陶醉于每个人为 CAS 带来的独特知识、文化和背景。


你不会成为 CAS 的旁观者。在科学团队中,您的想法和贡献受到重视和鼓励,从而使您成为我们使命的积极参与者。


在 CAS,你得到的不仅仅是一份工作。享受专业成长机会、丰厚的福利计划,以及在我们通过革命性科学改善人们生活的目标中发挥的关键作用。

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Two people walking past a wall with a picture of a building in the background.
Sabina Scott sitting in a comfortable chair with her hand on the arm rest.
"People at CAS are open-minded. They share their opinions and expand your horizons, but they listen to your unique perspective, too."
—Sabina Scott, Life Sciences Capability Owner
"What I like the most about my job is the people I work with every day. I feel very connected to the people here. It's home."
—Asia Kostas, Senior Manager Scientific Information
Asia Kostas smiling.