The following use and distribution restrictions apply to your use of the USPATFULL File on STN. All copyrights are reserved. Unless specified otherwise in these RESTRICTIONS, CUSTOMER may use copyrighted search results in the following ways:

(a) in copyrighted scientific publications when search results are incidental to the publication and

(b) in reports to a Government Agency that are required by law or by administrative rule.

Search results delivered to CUSTOMER in computer-readable form remain the property of the Database Producer. Unless specified otherwise in these RESTRICTIONS, Recipient may use search results in computer-readable form for the following purposes:

(a) editing or changing the format of search results to create search terms for use with search files or systems;

(b) combining search results with output from other searches, files, or systems to create a consolidated file of search results;

(c) editing the search results to remove irrelevant answers or to change the format of such results.

Recipient shall not use computer-readable search results as a database or part of a database from which hits are selectively retrieved by programmed search, unless Recipient has purchased the right to store search results using the ARCHIVE command or keyword. Recipient may create one printed copy of search results from a computer-readable file of search results at no additional charge. Recipient must destroy the computer-readable search results upon creation of the printed version, unless Recipient has purchased the right to archive records with the ARCHIVE command or keyword. Recipient may purchase the right to redistribute search results to additional users using the REDISTRIBUTE command or keyword.

Visit the STN Information Keep & Share Program for detailed information.

Recipient shall obtain Database Producer's specific written permission for any uses of computer-readable search results other than those listed here. In the USPATFULL File, data produced by the USPTO is not copyrighted and is provided with no use restrictions. CAS data in this file is subject to the following restrictions. CAS information services are delivered to users as intellectual property, copyrighted by the American Chemical Society and subject to the provisions of international copyright conventions. CAS exists for the purpose of providing information services, and we encourage users to make full and productive use of the information they obtain from us. These Guidelines express our view of appropriate uses of information from CAS services. The Guidelines apply to all forms of distribution (printed, microform, electronic, etc.).

These Guidelines are meant to be read as a set, not taken individually out of the context of the other points. All of the following uses may be made without written permission from ACS and without further royalty payments to ACS.

  1. You may copy and use information from CAS services and keep it as long as you wish for your own individual use.
  2. You may make up to 50 copies of information from CAS services and distribute them to others inside your immediate work group, project team, research unit, or classroom within your university, corporation, government agency, or the organization where you are employed.
  3. You may make up to five copies of information from CAS services and distribute them to others outside your immediate work group, project team, or research unit, provided that they are employed by the same university, corporation, government agency, or other organization where you are employed.
  4. You may download up to and including 50,000 records of CAS information per year in a database for searching by individuals within your organization.
  5. Downloaded means that the information must have been either captured in computer-readable form from CAS files (whether from files made available by CAS directly or by a vendor under a CAS license) or created in computer-readable form from a corresponding printed form or microform, by keying or other means. A record is a CA abstract number and any or all of its associated CAS data in bibliographic databases or a CAS Registry Number and any or all of its associated CAS data in a substance database.
  6. Information Brokerage: You may make and provide one copy of information you have obtained from CAS services to your customer outside your organization, for whom you have been engaged to conduct specific searches, provided that you place our copyright notice on the material. (You may keep a copy for backup purposes.) Your customer may subsequently use the information according to these Guidelines.
  7. You may use CAS information services to compile a bibliography of citations, provided that the bibliography is supplemental to the main content of your own copyrighted or uncopyrighted work.
  8. You may include CAS information in reports to the government when the information and the reports are required by law or administrative policy.
  9. You may sort CAS information, edit it, reformat it, record it electronically, and combine it with other information, as long as your use is consistent with the other conditions described in these Guidelines.
  10. You may include information from CAS services for use in a critical review, presentation, or published work, where the sole purpose of such inclusion is to explain the use of CAS services.

You should indicate CAS information is reprinted by permission of the American Chemical Society. If your current or planned use of CAS information goes beyond what is described above, please contact us to discuss special permission. Typical uses that we permit, upon completion of suitable business arrangements, are the following: a. One-time or periodic publication of CAS information in bulletins, bibliographies, etc., either for distribution outside your organization or within your organization if the use exceeds what is described above. b. The unlimited copying of CAS information within university, corporation, government agency, or their organization where you are employed. c. Recording of CAS information in a database for searching by individuals outside your organization. (Normally this use requires an agreement and the payment of fees and use charges. When you make copies of information from CAS services, you must do your part in preventing the theft or inadvertent illicit dissemination of CAS intellectual property. You must display the following ACS Copyright Notice conspicuously at least once on each packet of information you distribute: Copyright (YEAR) by the American Chemical Society. (Use the year of publication in the case of printed and microform services; in the case of information derived from an online service, use either the year provided by the online service or the current year.) The uses that are prohibited without express, prior permission from CAS include:

  1. You may not copy or otherwise record whole printed issues or entire electronic files provided by CAS. (This flagrant violation of the law is absolutely prohibited.)
  2. You may not copy or otherwise record portions of an established CAS publication or database with the purpose of, or the effect of, avoiding subscription fees or use charges for that publication or database, except as provided in these Guidelines.

These Guidelines apply to "users" --persons such as scientists, engineers, librarians, information specialists, and others working in the organization who ultimately consume the information. They do not apply to organizations such as CAS licensees, marketing agents, gateway service operators, or other commercial redistributors of information; use by such organizations must be covered by separate formal agreements. These are guidelines only and are subject to change from time to time at the discretion of CAS. The American Chemical Society (ACS) owns all right, title, and interest, including copyright, in all CAS Information Services--and retains all such rights in providing information to you. CAS reserves the right to disallow any specific usage that in our estimation exceeds what is intended under these Guidelines. While we carefully attempt to avoid errors in CAS information services, ACS is not responsible in any way in the unlikely event that errors should appear. If you discover an error, please report it by contacting CAS Customer Service. For further information, please contact
CAS Customer Center
P.O. Box 3012
Columbus, Ohio
43210-0012 U.S.A.
Phone: (614) 447-3700
or, toll-free in the U.S., 800-753-4CAS.