Registry Lookup order form

Find CA Index Names or CAS Registry Numbers for known substances using an exact computer match.

For exact matches of a substance with a CA Index Name or CAS Registry Number, complete and submit the CAS Registry Lookup Service Order Form on this page.

Turnaround time is 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, and the pricing is $65 per item searched.

CAS Registry Lookup Service

CAS Registry Lookup Service will perform an exact computer-match of your chemical name OR CAS REGISTRY Number® against CAS Registry®. The results of the search will be returned to you within 24 hours (excluding holidays and weekends.). If your chemical name OR CAS Registry Number matches a record in REGISTRY, a print for that record will be returned with your results.

Customer requesting information

A signature below is required before the requested Registry Lookup Service will be performed. This acknowledges acceptance of the CAS Registry Services Terms and Conditions, CAS Information Use Policy, and CAS Privacy Policy.

No other terms or conditions shall apply to this service, including any terms set forth in any Purchase Order submitted by Customer. Acceptance of a Purchase Order by CAS will be for payment purposes only and none of the terms in a Purchase Order will be binding upon CAS. Under no circumstances shall performance of the CAS Registry Services constitute acceptance of any additional or different terms.

As an authorized individual, by typing my name below, I accept the above terms provided in this Order Form.

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