CAS SciFinder® enhancements

We know being aware of upcoming enhancements to CAS SciFinder is important to you. To help ensure you are prepared to handle questions you may receive from your users when changes occur, we will provide a preview version of the latest release notes below.

Expect a new set of notes to be posted approximately one week prior to each release, which are scheduled every four weeks. Be aware that there may be an occasional change not included in this preview since they are being prepared before the release is final. As always, final release notes will be added to the What’s New? section in the CAS SciFinder solution in conjunction with the actual release.

Preview of CAS SciFinder Release July 1, 2024 (Build 24-07)


Search Enhancement: Reaction Natural Language

Text-based searching for reactions in CAS SciFinder is getting a significant improvement to better support natural language-style queries. Queries containing transformation names, substance classes, substance functional groups, and reaction participant roles (including solvents, reagents, and catalysts) are now recognized and supported.  

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Facet Substances by Polymer Class Terms

Substances can now be filtered by polymer class terms. This allows users to narrow search results quickly and efficiently when looking for specific types of polymers.  

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated