CAS SciFinder® enhancements
We know being aware of upcoming enhancements to CAS SciFinder is important to you. To help ensure you are prepared to handle questions you may receive from your users when changes occur, we will provide a preview version of the latest release notes below.
Expect a new set of notes to be posted approximately one week prior to each release, which are scheduled every four weeks. Be aware that there may be an occasional change not included in this preview since they are being prepared before the release is final. As always, final release notes will be added to the What’s New? section in the CAS SciFinder solution in conjunction with the actual release.
Preview of CAS SciFinder Release February 10, 2025 (Build 25-01)
Search Enhancement: Reaction Natural Language Search Improvements
Text searching reactions in CAS SciFinder has been enhanced with AI-driven query interpretation. AI, trained with CAS data, is being leveraged in CAS SciFinder to provide precise, accurate query interpretation resulting in focused and highly relevant results. Note: the AI is trained with CAS data and is not generating data; all results presented are CAS content.

This improved natural language query support will include supporting queries containing substance names, CAS RNs, molecular formulas, substance classes, and functional groups to identify reaction participants.
Search Enhancement: Expanded Reaction Role Recognition
Searching reactions in CAS SciFinder has been enhanced with expanded reaction role recognition. When a reacting participant is identified in the query, the query is expanded to include the participant in reactant or reagent role.

Search Enhancement: Expanded Reference Document Identifier Recognition
Searching for references using document identifiers has been enhanced with improved query recognition. When a document identifier is detected, SciFinder determines a reference intent. This search enhancement has the benefit of recognizing more variations in document identifiers; for example, patent numbers can be searched including kind codes, with and without spaces in the query.

Workflow Enhancement: Improved XLSX Export Performance
Reference result exports in XLSX format have been updated to improve performance and reduce extraneous data. When users export references in XLSX format, the export menu option will no longer automatically include all available content. Users may now select which data they want to include in the exported content.